Pegaswap Tokens to everyone | Flash-Sale Detailsw

Pegaswap Protocol
2 min readJan 3, 2021

Pegaswap Token

Pegaswap Token (PGST) is the native governance token of Pegaswap Ecosystem. The security provided by the token model is crucial for the successful further development of the DeFi money legos. More specifically the Pegaswap Token drives safe participation in the protocol and its future innovations. Pegaswap Token holders should be people that interface with the protocol in some way, are committed to its future development, maintain a sense of responsibility and belonging to the Pegaswap Community.

Main advantages of Pegaswap Token: Distribution 20% fees, which will be colected by swapping on Pegaswap Platform. All stakers in equal proportions of staked Pegaswap Tokens receive a share of the collected fees. Also, unique token burning system, quarterly token buybacks and etc.

During the Genesis Swap-Mining Event, everyone will be able to get additional boosters to the rewards for each swap (20,000 PGS = x1.2; 100,000 PGST = x2 and etc.)

Flash-Sale Details

Flash-Sale is a new unique fundraising system invented by our team. The main task of this Pre-Sale is to raise funds to provide liquidity for the first AMM’s.

Token allocation for sale — 2,800,000 PGST (2.8% from total issue of PGST tokens)
Token Price — 0.5 ETH = 100,000 PGST + 40% Bonus.
Total raising amount — 10 ETH
Allocation per address — 0.5 ETH
Without vesting period.

Flash-Sale whitelistins date: 5 January 15:00 GMT (for 24 hrs).

Token distribution

2.8% — Flash-Sale (without token locks).
5% — Team & Foundation (locks for 2 years).
4.2% — Marketing & Listings (1.5% unlocks after TGE, other tokens locks for 1.5 year).
10% — Main-Sale (without token locks).
30% — Swap-To-Mine (SoM) mechanism (incentive measures for traders, distribution 7.5% of supply per year for next 4 years).
48% — Community (Liquidity Mining, Governance Reward, Airdrops and etc.).

*All of these are inaccurate numbers %. The final decision will be made by the Pegaswap Community within a few weeks after the launch Pegaswap Platform v1.0

Published by Pegaswap Foundation

